A historic place in Zaragoza city.

The Roman road “Decumano Maximo”, the medieval houses that retain their 15th century structure, Platerias Street was known for the city’s jewelry trade, the Alfonso Street is an example of the

Bourgeois transformation in the 19th century, the cultural context of artists and artisans make these tourist apartments a unique experience that brings to the always interesting visit to the immortal Ebro city.

The street has been witness of the last 2,000 years of the city’s history.

Walking down Manifestation Street, you can suddenly get immersed in what could be a typical commercial street in any small city, with the particularity that the most humble of shops can be a spectacular architectural work and count with modernist details or precious ancient typefaces.
They are distinguished for their high struts and the balconies that stand out on the sidewalk. In general, they lack gates and fill almost the entire space around the road, a reflection of the eclectic architecture and the high population of the area. Sometimes, a little tree can accompanies in our journey.

The balconies look out onto the street, like wishing be part of everything, the bars dividing the balconies with the most fancy designs characteristic of the neighborhoods, marking the small perimeter limits between houses. People and cars coming and going are part of the visual and acoustic environment
Since the Middle Age, the union groups in this area made up the Zaragoza street map, which increased with names such as Cuchillería, Sombrerería or Platerias. Being Platerias the finally name get demoninated of the Manifestation.

Remember our location, we are in center of the city, with Pilar Square 350 meter away.


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